Survivor Moms

Washtenaw Area Council for Children has partnered with Growing Forward Together to offer the Survivor Moms’ Companion program to survivors of trauma in Washtenaw County. According to the Survivor Moms website, Survivor Moms’ Companion (SMC) is a psychoeducational program that reduces intergenerational cycles of abuse and vulnerability by addressing mothers’ abuse and other trauma-related mental health and development needs during pregnancy and the early postpartum period. It is primary prevention for their babies.

Healthcare professionals can refer clients to the SMC program at WACC to partner with our Safe Sleep Program Coordinator, Christie Lypka. Using the SMC model, Christie will assess each person’s eligibility for the program, and if it is a good fit, she will begin the 1:1 psychoeducation. 

For more information on the SMC Program, please visit:
Or contact Christie at to set up a presentation for your organization.